Head to the page of a claim and click Alter Diagnosis.
The change of diagnosis page is for adding a new diagnosis to a claim that has been submitted, or changing or deleting an existing diagnosis.
Select practitioner
First select the practitioner and provider type making the change request.
Adding a read code
Click 'Add Read Code'. Enter a read code and side of the body. Adding a comment is optional.
Remove a read code
Click the red minus. The line will be highlighted red to indicate that the read code is to be removed by ACC.
Alter a diagnosis
Change the read code or side on a previous diagnosis.
Set a primary
All the actions - adding, removing, changing - require that one read code be set as the primary.
Submitting alterations
Click the 'Submit Changes to ACC' button.
ACC change requests
Any alterations sent to ACC are requests for changes and they will need to be approved. Alteration requests won't change any of the diagnoses in SubmitKit. Changes would need to be made manually once approved by ACC. You can try importing the claim again from ACC to check if the diagnosis change has been approved, this may not happen straight away
Permissions Error If you get an error from ACC saying you don't have permissions to complete this action, then contact ACC on the number provided in the error message