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Claims Sent
Written by Richard Clarke
Updated over 8 months ago

Vendor submitted claims


Search options:

Vendor - By selecting vendor, it will select all claims submitted by this vendor.

Practitioner - The practitioner drop-down doesn't filter by practitioner, rather it indicates to ACC which practitioner is making the search.

Date - The monthly calendar shows the date range highlighted in blue. Date range can be altered by clicking on the calendar or using the controls in the header.

Status - Submitted claims will either be receipted or failed, status to be selected from the drop down. Failed claims can only be searched for within the last 14 days.

Search results


If there are any errors in submission these will be shown in the last column.

Search by claim number


Searching by claim number/s will search ACC across all dates, regardless of who submitted the claim.

The vendor and practitioner drop-downs will indicate to ACC who is making the search.

Claim numbers can be in the 7 character form eg ZZ99999, or 11 digit form that comes on the ACC letters to patients.

Search options:

Claim Number - Enter a claim number to search by.

Claim Numbers - Multiple claim numbers can be entered using the 'Add' button.

Search results


To view the diagnoses for a claim click the



Search by NHI number


If you have the NHI number and date-of-birth of a patient, you can search ACC for all claims held by that patient.

Search options:

NHI number - The National Health Index number (NHI number) is a unique identifier that is assigned to every person who uses health and disability support services in New Zealand.

Date of birth - Both NHI number and date-of-birth are required for this search.

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