SubmitKit allows the creation of multiple users to enable practice managers, receptionists, and practitioners to facilitate the processing of claims and invoices.
User roles
There are four user roles in SubmitKit:
Admin role. Admin is the default role given to the person who registers an account with SubmitKit. You can also add Admin permissions to a user once the user has been added. The admin role has full rights within SubmitKit. Only the admin user has permission to:
Update the subscription plan
Enter or change credit card details
Include and exclude practitioners
Add/edit vendor information
Add/edit appointment types
Add/Edit other users and devices
Non-admin user. A non-admin user could be a practitioner or a receptionist. Non-admin users can see all appointments and practitioners in Submkit.
Practitioner. The practitioner role should be used when you only want a practitioner to view their own appointments and not those of other practitioners.
Device. Device is a type of user; its only role is to enable the completion of ACC forms on devices.
Non-admin users and practitioner users can be further refined by granting or removing permission to create claims and/or create ACC invoices. Users without permission to create ACC invoices will also be unable to access payment data. In most cases, you will probably want non-admin users and practitioner users to have claim submission permission.
Adding a user
Go to Setting-> Manage-users and devices
Click the Add User button
Enter first and last name, and email
Select whether to give claim and invoice permission
If you only want the user to view one practitioner's appointments, select the practitioner from the drop-down list. Otherwise leave it on view all practitioners
Save the user
The new user will be sent a confirmation email to confirm their account and then instructions on resetting their password
Multiple Vendors
Other users that you have added, can upload their own digital certificate, and add in claim ranges from there own account, from Setting -> Vendor. If a user has been set up as a practitioner user (ie they only see their own appointments) they will only have access to there own vendor information.
Using Devices enables one to have paperless ACC forms. Learn more about setting up devices and going paperless.