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Using Cliniko Cases
Written by Richard Clarke
Updated over 9 months ago

Cliniko has cases, which are synonymous with claims in SubmitKit.

Claims in SubmitKit can have a matching case in Cliniko. This enables a Cliniko user to set a claim to an appointment through Cliniko, and to see how many treatments are remaining, directly in Cliniko.

Once the cases feature is enabled, when claims are added, saved or set to an appointment, a corresponding case will be created in Cliniko if it does not already exist.


Enable and disable this feature through the "Allow Cases" setting in Settings -> Practice Settings.

Cases will automatically be named:

Claim Number || Date of Injury || Injury Area


You can alter the case name if you wish. The options for the case name are: use read codes instead of an area description, exclude read codes, or exclude the date of injury. You can set these through Settings -> Practice Settings.

Adding a Case in Cliniko

You can also create a new case in Cliniko. In most cases its easier to add existing and new claims directly to SubmitKit, but sometimes you may want to add a case to Cliniko to be able to add the claim later in SubmitKit.

When a new case is added to Cliniko, it will not be associated with a claim in SubmitKit yet, so you need to add either a new or pre-existing claim for the case.

When SubmitKit is synced to Cliniko it will pull through a list of cases that are not associated with a claim. You will find this list on the Dashboard.


A patient's page will show cases not associated with a claim for that particular patient. You can get to the patient's page by clicking on the patient's name.

To create a claim from the case, click the Create Claim button in the Cliniko Cases without a Claim section of the a patient's page.


The case name becomes the claim number In the claim form.

You can either:

1) Generate a new claim number and complete the form for a new claim, or

2) Associate the case with a claim that is already registered with ACC - make sure that the claim number is in the only thing in the claim number field, then click import, save and then close the claim form

Syncing Cases

Any changes to a claim are automatically pushed to a case. When SubmitKit is synced from the appointments page, changes to cases or new cases added are pulled through to SubmitKit.

When a claim is made inactive in SubmitKit it will close all the cases for each provider type in Cliniko.

If you wish to close a case for a particular provider type, you can do that from Cliniko or SubmitKit. To close a case from SubmitKit, when editing the claim, tick the 'Exclude' tick box and save.


Creating a case for all claims.

If your practice has more than one provider type, then there will be one case created for each of the provider types. This is because each provider type gets a set number of treatments, which is independent of any other provider type.

To get you started, you can create cases for all your active claims from Settings -> Practice Settings, then click Create Cases. It will take a while to create all the cases in Cliniko, especially if you have a lot of active claims. Once created, your cases should have the appointments that are linked to the claim in SubmitKit linked to the case in Cliniko. If the number of appointments exceeds the number of treatments allowed, a case will not be created.

Treatment counts

Note: SubmitKit treatment counts are based on the actual number of treatments invoiced to ACC, where as in Cliniko, cases treatment counts are based on the number of times the case is set to an appointment.

If you try and set a claim to an appointment in SubmitKit and the number of appointments set exceeds the treatment allowance in Cliniko, you will get a warning.

If there are treatments invoiced outside of SubmitKit and this is put in the "OTHER" section of the treatment counts, then this will also be reflected in the number of treatments allowed in Cliniko.

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