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View Appointments
Written by Richard Clarke
Updated over a week ago

List View

The list view is the best place to add a claim to a patient and an appointment and to create ACC invoices.

Additional appointment items - appointment note, purchase order number, appointment type and attendance can be viewed by clicking the green plus button . This will also show the claim details for all active claims that a patient has.


Show more details button

Appointments can be sorted into a column by clicking on a column heading. You can also filter the view across all fields using the search box.

List view actions


Select All

This button is for selecting all the claims that are in the current view, which are ready to invoice to ACC. The total number of selected appointments will show at the bottom of the list view. Please be aware that this could also select appointments that are on another page of the view, if there are more appointments in the current range than are showing


Un-select all

This button de-selects all selected appointments


Add a service item

Used for adding additional services to the calendar eg COPY, XRAY. Setting service items


Set all single claims

Sets all single active claims for appointments. Setting multiple claims


Submit ACC invoice

Submits all selected appointments to ACC

Calendar View

The calendar view is useful if you are working with SubmitKit on a daily basis to add claims. The calendar view also allows you to view non-ACC appointments, and change a non-ACC appointment to an ACC appointment.

Details for an appointment can be viewed by clicking on an appointment. Clicking in an empty space on the calendar allows the adding of service items eg COPY or STPR.

Appointment status

The icons in the right hand corner of an appointment indicate the following:


An invoice has been submitted for this appointment


Claim has been set to the appointment


Patient has no claims


No claim has been set for the appointment


There is a note on the appointment


Appointment has a purchase order number

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