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Dashboard Features
Written by Richard Clarke
Updated over 10 months ago

Pending claims

List of pending and failed claims


Pending claims need to have some action taken on them. If the pending claim is a new claim, the claim has not been lodged to ACC yet. If the pending claim is an existing claim, the claim has not yet been marked as registered, you should import the claim from ACC. See What should I do with Pending claims?

Failed claims were unable to be processed by ACC, and may need re-submission. To see what the error is go to the 'Claims' page, search for the claim, then check the extra claim fields by clicking on the plus button to the left of the claim. see What should I do with Failed claims?

If you need to remove a claim from the pending table, set the claim as inactive.

Remaining claim numbers


This section shows the total number of claim numbers remaining for each vendor. Learn about entering a new range.

Expiring claims


Claims are valid for a provider type one year after the first treatment by that provider type. This section shows active claims that are due to expire for any patient who has an appointment within the specified date range. Use the drop-box in the table header to set how many days worth of appointments either side of today are shown. This drop-down also effects the 'Treatments Allowances' table below it. The table shows the provider type, the claim's expiry date, and when the next appointment is. If the exiry date if highlight yellow, then the expiry date is estimated. If you want claim to become inactive when the expiry date is past, use the last column.

  • Selection_354.png

    means the claim will become inactive after expiry date.

  • Selection_355.png

    means that the claim will remain active after expiry date

  • Inactive, Now button will set the claim as inactive immediately, and remove the claim from the table

In order for expiry to be accurate, the expiry date needs to be entered for each provider type. Learn more about enter first treatment date and expiry date.

Treatment allowances


Claims have a certain number of treatments allowed for each provider before additional treatments need to be applied for. This section shows active claims that have less than or equal to the selected number treatments remaining, for any patient who has an appointment within the date range set in the 'Expirying Claims' table header. The treatment allowance is adjusted after an appointment has been invoiced. If you want claim to become inactive when the number of treatments remaining is zero, use the last column.

  • Selection_354.png

    means the claim will become inactive when the number of treatments remaining to be invoiced is zero

  • Selection_355.png

    means that the claim will remain active even after the treatment allowance has been used up.

Note: After invoicing it will check whether you have reached your treatment allowance. If all the treatments have already been used up and you don't wish to invoice again, then make the claim inactive immediately, rather than setting On used up. As using the On used up method will only check if the claim is used up after invoicing, so it should be set prior to the allowance being used up.

In order for treatment counts to be accurate, any additional treatments prior to beginning use of SubmitKit or at other clinics, need to be entered for each provider. Learn more about altering treatment counts.

Un-invoiced appointments


If there are any imported appointments that have not yet been invoiced, they will show up in this table. If you do not need to be notified about a particular invoice being un-invoiced, eg if was invoiced prior to using SubmitKit or using another method, then click the ignore button next to the appointment

To ignore a range of un-invoiced appointments:

  • select an appointment by clicking in the first column, hold the 'Shift' key, then select another appointment further down. Then click 'Ignore selected'

  • or hold 'Ctrl' to select multiple appointments, then click 'Ignore selected'

If you want to retrieve an appointment from being ignored, use the 'Go to ignored appointments' and click 'Remove from ignored'.

Note, only appointments synced from your practice managment system will show up in this table. Learn more are syncing your appointments.



The payment section shows any payments over the number of days selected. To check if the payment amount is equal to the invoiced amount, click the 'Check Payment' button. If the payment and invoiced amount are equal, then the amounts will be highlighted green, otherwise they will be red. This amounts invoiced and paid will be saved, next time you view the table


When checking a payment if there are any messages assciated with the payment they will be shown the in the 'ACC payments messages' section.


If a payment has only been partially paid it wil show in the 'Partially Paid' section. If you don't expect to be paid out fully on the invoice, you can choose to ignore the payment, by clicking 'ignore' which will remove it from the table

Invoice and Payment Details

The payment and invoice reference codes are links that will take you to a break down of the repective invoice or payment

Who can view payments

The payment section is only visible to users with invoicing permission.


This section shows all SubmitKit's notifications. Previous notifications can be scrolled down to.

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