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Merge Patients
Written by Richard Clarke
Updated over 10 months ago

First step You can only merge a patient if you have merged the patient in your practice management system first.

From a patient's page (click on a patient's name to get to the patient's page) click the Edit Patient button

  1. Click merge button, in the right side bar

  2. Find the patient you are merging with

  3. Confirm the merge


The patient details that are kept are from the patient that remained when the two patients were merged on your practice management system.

All claims and appointments belonging to the patient that was removed will belong to the patient that remains after the merge.

More than two copies of a patient

If you have more than two patients that you have to merge together you will need to make sure that you are selecting one of the patients that still exists in your practice management system. To find that patient that still exists: from that patient page, click on Edit Patient, if after a few seconds if it comes up with an error message 'Not Found', try another one, till no message comes up when clicking on Edit Patient. You can then merge this one that exists with the other copies of the patient one at a time.

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