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Expiry Dates
Written by Richard Clarke
Updated over 10 months ago

Note:If an expiry date is not set for a provider type/claim, it can be automatically set after the claim is invoiced under that provider type. The first treatment date will be set to the date of the first appointment invoiced, and the expiry date will be set based on that. To enable this, go to Settings -> Practice Settings, then tick "Set expiry date from 1st appointment invoiced, if not already set"

When importing existing claims, the expiry date will be be blank, unless it is estimated off the date of injury (Settings -> Practice Settings "When importing existing claims estimate expiry date based on date of accident" ). Also in the situation where you have multiple provider types, the expiry date will also be blank for provider types other than the provider type initially linked to the claim.

Setting Expiry Dates

You can set expiry dates in two ways:

1) From the Reports -> Claims without expiry dates. This report will show a list of claims that do not have the expiry date set, or where the expiry date is not set for a particular provider type. It will list the claims showing the provider type and the appointment dates for that provider type. Clicking Set 1st Tx to Appointment Date, will set the first treatment date and the expiry date for that provider based on the appointment date.


In the above example you would set the first treatment date to the earliest appointment date for the claim

If you want to look at claims where the expiry date was just estimated, select "Estimated Expiry" from the top drop down.

2) Clicking to the green plus button to the left of an appointment, will show the claims associated with that patient. Where the expiry date is blank for the practitioner/provider type there will be a button, Set 1st Tx to Appointment Date, which when clicked will set the first treatment date and expiry date based on the selected appointment.

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